Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Riding the Waves in Lake Michigan

Last summer I started a new sport that I really enjoy doing: Body Boarding. I go to the beach about two times a week, its only about a 40 minute drive, and ride up the waves. I don't live near any ocean. So one would ask 'if I don't live close to any ocean then how can I even body board?' Well the answer is that I body board in the biggest lake around, Lake Michigan. Many people would laugh at this and say yeah right, but it is true, you CAN BODY BOARD and SURF in LAKE MICHIGAN!

It is hard to believe that body boarding and surfing is actually possible to do in lake michigan. The waves can get pretty big. I have been out at the lake when the waves were 7 to 8 feet! They can even get bigger than that, but that happens more in the fall. They can pound you into the ground pretty good. So if you have the urge to body board or surf and you live close to michigan, then Lake Michigan is the place to be! REMEMBER, NEVER TURN YOUR BACK TO THE OCEAN (LAKE)!

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