Monday, September 29, 2008

Bike Rides and Kittens

On Sunday September 21, 2008, my boyfriend and I decided to go on a bike ride down a country road by our house. We passed some goats and horses, rode through an old graveyard, and peaked in the windows of an old church. But what we didn't expect landed right in our laps.
We turned on a road that went into a little subdivision and turned back around. As we stopped at the entrance heading out, my boyfriend saw something in the tall grass. It was a little kitten! The kitten was scared and alone, and it ran to hide in a drainage pipe. Both of us tried to get it to come out, but it would not budge. Finally I got down and started calling to it with Meowing sounds.

After talking to it for about five minutes it finally came out of the pipe. I picked it up and held it for a few seconds. It was very skinny, and we knew we needed to take it home and get it some food. So, my boyfriend made a pouch out of his shirt to carry it back home. When we got home we started to brainstorm for a name to give the kitten. It turns out it was a female calico kitten. At first we thought of the name Caramel, but finally we ended up calling her Karma.

After naming her we went in, cleaned her up, and gave her some warm milk. Later we drove to the store to get some cat food. Neither of us were in the position to keep her so we sent a post out to people we know. The posts were not working so we decided to make a poster with a cute picture of Karma, a phone number, and posted it at a grocery store bulletin.

We received a reply from the post right away! The guy who wanted it said that his cat died a few months ago, and he wanted another cat. We could tell that he cared about animals, and decided that he was a good person who could have our special Karma. My boyfriend and I were bummed about giving her away, but in the end we were happy to see that we had found her a wonderful new home and a caring owner. :)


Jeff Tatay said...

That is a wonderful story! At first it sounds like you are going to tell a ghost story, and then, out of all things, a cute little kitten appears.

Jeff Tatay said...

I can't wait to here some new enlightening moments from you. I am excited to see what you write about next.